Essential Command Line Tools Every DevOps Engineer Should Know

Essential Command Line Tools Every DevOps Engineer Should Know


5 min read

File Management Commands ๐Ÿ“‚


Description: Lists directory contents.

  • Usage:
ls          # Lists files and directories in the current directory
ls -l       # Lists files with detailed information
ls -a       # Lists all files including hidden files


Description: Changes the current directory.

  • Usage:

      cd /path/to/directory  # Changes to the specified directory
      cd ..                  # Moves up one directory level
      cd ~                   # Changes to the home directory


Description: Prints the current working directory.

  • Usage:

      pwd  # Displays the full path of the current directory


Description: Creates a new directory.

  • Usage:

      mkdir new_directory        # Creates a new directory named 'new_directory'
      mkdir -p /path/to/new_dir  # Creates a nested directory structure

    rm, rmdir

    Description: Deletes files and directories.

  • Usage:

      rm file_name              # Deletes a file
      rm -r directory_name      # Recursively deletes a directory and its contents
      rmdir directory_name      # Deletes an empty directory


    Description: Copies files and directories.

  • Usage:

cp source_file destination_file        # Copies a file
cp -r source_directory destination_directory  # Copies a directory recursively


Description: Moves or renames files and directories.

  • Usage:

      mv old_name new_name               # Renames a file or directory
      mv file_name /path/to/destination  # Moves a file to a new location


    Description: Creates an empty file or updates the timestamp of an existing file.

  • Usage:

      touch new_file   # Creates an empty file named 'new_file' or updates its timestamp

    Description: Creates hard and symbolic (soft) links.


ln source_file link_name               # Creates a hard link
ln -s source_file soft_link_name       # Creates a symbolic link

Viewing and Editing Files ๐Ÿ“œ

cat, zcat

Description: Concatenates and displays file content.

  • Usage:

      cat file_name       # Displays the content of a file
      zcat file_name.gz   # Displays the content of a compressed file


    Description: Outputs the first part of a file.

  • Usage:

      head file_name         # Displays the first 10 lines of a file
      head -n 5 file_name    # Displays the first 5 lines of a file

    tail, tail -f

    Description: Outputs the last part of a file.

  • Usage:

      tail file_name         # Displays the last 10 lines of a file
      tail -f file_name      # Continuously monitors a file for new lines

    less, more

    Description: Views file content one screen at a time.

  • Usage:

      less file_name   # Opens a file for viewing
      more file_name   # Opens a file for viewing, but with fewer features than 'less'

    vi editor

    Description: Opens the vi text editor.


vi file_name       # Opens a file in the `vi` editor
# In `vi`, use 'i' to enter insert mode, 'Esc' to exit insert mode, ':w' to save, and ':q' to quit

System Information and Management ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ


Description: Reports a snapshot of current processes.

  • Usage:

      ps       # Displays a snapshot of current processes
      ps aux   # Displays detailed information about all running processes


    Description: Displays real-time system information including processes.

  • Usage:

      top   # Starts the top command


    Description: Reports file system disk space usage.

  • Usage:

      df       # Displays disk space usage for all mounted filesystems
      df -h    # Displays disk space usage in human-readable format


    Description: Estimates file and directory space usage.

  • Usage:

      du directory_name    # Displays the disk usage of a directory and its contents
      du -sh directory_name  # Displays the disk usage in human-readable format


    Description: Displays the amount of free and used memory in the system.

  • Usage:

      free       # Displays memory usage
      free -h    # Displays memory usage in human-readable format


    Description: Reports virtual memory statistics.

  • Usage:

      vmstat    # Displays a summary of system performance

    Networking Commands ๐ŸŒ


    Description: Connects to a remote machine securely.

  • Usage:

      ssh user@hostname       # Connects to a remote machine
      ssh user@hostname -p port_number  # Connects to a remote machine on a specific port

    Process Management ๐Ÿ”ง


    Description: Identifies processes using files or sockets.

  • Usage:

      fuser file_name   # Displays processes using the specified file


    Description: Sends a signal to a process, usually to terminate it.

  • Usage:

      kill PID             # Sends the default TERM signal to a process
      kill -9 PID          # Forcefully terminates a process


    Description: Runs a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty.

  • Usage:

      nohup command &   # Runs 'command' in the background, immune to hangups

    Miscellaneous Commands ๐Ÿ“Š


    Description: Removes sections from each line of files.

  • Usage:

      cut -d',' -f1 file_name   # Cuts the first field from a comma-delimited file


    Description: Reads from standard input and writes to standard output and files.

  • Usage:

      command | tee file_name  # Writes the output of 'command' to 'file_name' and to the terminal


    Description: Sorts lines of text files.

  • Usage:

      sort file_name      # Sorts a file alphabetically
      sort -n file_name   # Sorts a file numerically


    Description: Clears the terminal screen.

  • Usage:

      clear   # Clears the terminal


    Description: Compares files line by line.

  • Usage:

      diff file1 file2   # Shows the differences between 'file1' and 'file2'


    Description: Word, line, character, and byte count for files.

  • Usage:

      wc file_name       # Displays line, word, and byte counts
      wc -l file_name    # Displays line count